Florida Christian Preschools >> Zephyrhills Religious Pre-Schools >> ZFN Kids Care



Provider Name : ZFN Kids Care
Provider Address : 6151 12th Street, Zephyrhills, FL 33542
Contact Email : glarson1@tampabay.rr.com
Contact Phone : 813-782-7032
Contact Name :
Web Site : http://zfnfamily.org/index.php?page=zfn-kids-care
Open Hours : 7am-6pm
Age Range :
Details :
Children's church Children's Church provides children Kindergarten '6th grade an opportunity to learn about Jesus and how He can help them in the everyday choices they make. Team competition during Refill allows the children to work for a goal and encourages them to bring their Bibles and friends to church. Quizzing Children's Quizzing is a Bible study program for children in grades 1-6. The purpose is to teach the Bible in a fun and exciting way, creating a desire and a love for studying the Bible. In Children's Quizzing each child challenges himself or herself to reach award levels. In this approach, children quiz against a base of knowledge, not each other. The multiple-choice method of competition allows every child to answer every question. This makes it possible for every child to score a perfect score. Competition is an optional part of the Children's Quizzing program. Each child decides if they want to participate in a series of competition events. Our Kidz Choir provides another opportunity for children to learn about Jesus Christ, this time through praise and worship. Rehearsals are held weekly during the first 20 minutes of our services and include basic musical training and song preparation. The choir ministers several times throughout the year including several musical productions

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