Washington Christian Preschools >> Tacoma Religious Pre-Schools >> Jesus Daycare Connection and Preschool LLC II



Provider Name : Jesus Daycare Connection and Preschool LLC II
Provider Address : 4420 Portland Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98404
Contact Email : mrsmerc@comcast.net
Contact Phone : 2533761207
Contact Name : Mercedes Mazique
Web Site : http://www.jesusdaycareconnection.com/day_care_center_locations_tacoma_wa.html
Open Hours :
Age Range : 1 month to 12 years 11 months
Details :
By having your child attend our center in Tacoma, Washington, they will be ready and prepared for their next stages of life. We provide expert services from infant care to child care.Jesus Daycare Connection & Preschoolprovides you with the piece of mind you need while you are away. At our day care center, offer a stimulating and nurturing program for our infant care services. With our 1 teacher to 4 children ratio, infants are given plenty of tender love and care through daily one-on-one interactions. Through our Emergent Curriculum, infants have a classroom filled with soft toys, books, and plenty of crawling space. Activities encourage communication through book reading, song singing, and sign language. As toddlers begin to gain a sense of self, we promote learning through activities that encourage verbal skills, color and shape recognition, sensory play, and math and manipulative activities. Teachers create an environment that includes sights, sounds, textures, and sensory items. We implement the Handwriting without Tears program to prepare them for kindergarten. Children participate in weekly French and sign language lessons, which help children foster language and literacy skills. Preschool children also participate in weekly Bible study sessions to learn how to lean and depend on God. In our school age program, children receive tools to help them to be successful in public school. Children are tutored and are encouraged to answer and ask questions based on what they are learning at school. Aside from homework, children participate in activities that promote teamwork, responsibility, and character. Through weekly Bible Study, we teach the children Godly principles to help them make wise decisions.

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