Louisiana Christian Preschools >> Lake Charles Religious Pre-Schools >> University United Methodist Day School



Provider Name : University United Methodist Day School
Provider Address : 3501 Patrick Street, Lake Charles, LA 70605
Contact Email :
Contact Phone : (337) 478-4347
Contact Name : Julie Hebert
Web Site : http://uumds.com/
Open Hours : 07:00a - 05:30p
Age Range :
Details :
University United Methodist Day School is a Louisiana Class A day care. It was started in 1960 with an enrollment of ten students, consisting of 6 five year olds and 4 four year olds. Other classes have been added through the years, and a curriculum has been developed for each age group. The program was expanded to include full time day care in February of 1976. UUMDS currently has capacity for approximately 80 full time children, ages 6 weeks through pre-K. The Day School is operated under the auspices of the University United Methodist Church, but it is non-denominational in its teaching. The Church organized the weekday school recognizing an opportunity to provide a Christian environment for the care of young children, while affording them a good readiness program for formal education in the elementary schools. The curriculum includes art and creative activities, story time, singing, music, games, science, discussion, and supervised play in and out of doors. Our program is designed to consider the developmental needs of each individual child. Our goal is to assist each child in finding a comfortable, contributing place in his or her class and to feel his or her own worth and the worth of others as children of God.

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