Maryland Christian Preschools >> Gaithersburg Religious Pre-Schools >> Good Shepherd Lutheran PreSchool



Provider Name : Good Shepherd Lutheran PreSchool
Provider Address : 16420 South Westland Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
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Contact Phone : 301-9631955
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As early childhood educators, our goal is to instill children with a love of learning and a curiosity about the natural world surrounding them. During their tenure at Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool, students will learn to problem solve and to explore multiple solutions to a problem. They will demonstrate behavior consistent with good citizenship, respecting and caring for one another as children of God. By providing a learning environment allowing children to explore at their individual rates, we will facilitate the unique needs of each child. Through assessments, we will analyze each child’s progress; and through intentional teaching, we will focus on areas where the child needs to grow. Through caring relationships, we will foster trust, communication and creativity. The whole child – the body, the mind and the spirit – will be guided through developmentally appropriate activities that reinforce these goals and that provide each student the necessary tools for future learning.

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