New York Christian Preschools >> Ithaca Religious Pre-Schools >> Trinity Lutheran Church



Provider Name : Trinity Lutheran Church
Provider Address : 149 Honness Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850
Contact Email :
Contact Phone : (607) 273-9017
Contact Name : Hope B. Allnatt
Web Site :
Open Hours :
Age Range :
Details :
Trinity Lutheran Church Preschool operates on basically the same schedule as the elementary schools in the Ithaca City School District, with hours from 9:00am to 12:00 noon. There are three options available for attendance: Tuesday and Thursday; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and five days a week. The curriculum is taught through Bible stories and thematic units. Each day includes the following general schedule: free play, clean up, opening, motion/music, snack, book time, show and tell, arts and crafts, and indoor/outdoor gross motor play. We also include special items in the schedule, such as Chapel, cooking, science, language arts, music, and math. A number of off-site field trips are also a part of each year.

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