Virginia Christian Preschools >> Potomac Falls Religious Pre-Schools >> Our Lady of Hope Catholic School



Provider Name : Our Lady of Hope Catholic School
Provider Address : 46633 Algonkian Parkway, Potomac Falls, VA 20165
Contact Email :
Contact Phone : (703)434-6760
Contact Name : Mary Beth Pittman
Web Site :
Open Hours :
Age Range : 5 yr 0 to 12 yr 11
Details :
The primary purpose of Our Lady of Hope Catholic School is to integrate the teachings, values, rituals, and traditions of our Catholic faith into the spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical development of all the students. The mission of this school is to form the whole child in a faith-filled environment and through a living encounter with Christ. Our aim is to empower and nurture all students to embody the message proclaimed by Jesus Christ. Administrators and faculty are dedicated to creating a faith community that witnesses belief in the teachings of the Catholic Church, and compassion and respect for others through their words and actions. Our goal is to ensure that all students receive a strong academic and religious foundation so that they may achieve their full potential while at the same time becoming moral, responsible, and respectful members of the community in which they live. In the end, we hope that by God’s grace and the educational experience received at the school, each student will have a firm commitment to Christ and His Catholic Church.

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