Florida Christian Preschools >> St. Petersburg Religious Pre-Schools >> Temple Beth-El of St. Petersburg Preschool



Provider Name : Temple Beth-El of St. Petersburg Preschool
Provider Address : 400 Pasadena Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33707
Contact Email : preschool@templebeth-el.com
Contact Phone : 727-347-6136
Contact Name : Randi Nash-Ortiz
Web Site : http://www.templebeth-el.com/preschool_about.aspx
Open Hours :
Age Range :
Details :
We believe that all children at Temple Beth-El Preschool benefit from a warm, supportive environment that includes opportunities for children to grow and develop emotionally, socially, cognitively, and physically through a variety of experiences. Children at TBE are surrounded by loving and experienced early childhood educators who are committed to excellence and exposing children to age-appropriate activities. Our approach is designed to embrace the natural curiosity of the child. Our primary goal of our program is to provide a sound learning environment that will help each child reach his/her fullest potential. At Temple Beth-El Preschool we often use a project approach, expanding into themes that come directly from the children’s expressed interest. Throughout the month, a Judaic and secular thematic approach to programming is incorporated into the curriculum. We recognize that our children’s growing awareness of their Jewish identity is an integral part of their personal development, and therefore, we provide numerous, age appropriate developmental Jewish experiences. These are related to the celebration of Shabbat, holidays, and everyday life practices.

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