Florida Christian Preschools >> Stuart Religious Pre-Schools >> Temple Beit HaYam Early Childhood Learning Center



Provider Name : Temple Beit HaYam Early Childhood Learning Center
Provider Address : 951 SE Monterey Commons Blvd, Stuart, FL 34996
Contact Email :
Contact Phone : 772-286-1531
Contact Name : Amy Blechman
Web Site : http://www.tbhfl.org/education/earlychildhood/
Open Hours :
Age Range :
Details :
At the ECLC, we strive for excellence every day in an environment where your child will be loved, nurtured, and encouraged to explore and grow through "hands-on" experiences in an encouraging atmosphere. We pride ourselves on our low teacher to student ratio which ensures that your child will receive individual attention and instruction. It has been a priority of ours to create a classroom setting that becomes a second "home" to your child where he or she will develop skills and grow to be self-confident individuals. For many of our children, this is their first experience in school, and it is our goal to instill sound values and strong feelings of self-worth in all of our children. This is essential for laying a solid foundation from which future development will follow.We as a school cannot continue to grow and improve without input from you as parents. In addition, the ECLC is governed by a Board of Directors that sets policy and oversees the daily operation of the preschool. Please know that this group of devoted professionals is also available and interested to discuss matters relating to the enrichment of our school. At TBH, we believe that we are a "mishpacha," an extended family together. Temple Beit HaYam is continuously striving to create a loving and nurturing atmosphere for all our families, and we invite you to participate as much as you are able.

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