Florida Christian Preschools >> Ocala Religious Pre-Schools >> St Paul's Christian School



Provider Name : St Paul's Christian School
Provider Address : 800 Southeast 41st Avenue, Ocala, FL 34471
Contact Email :
Contact Phone : 352-694-4219
Contact Name : Kelly Hall
Web Site : http://stpaulschristianschool.org/
Open Hours : 8:30am-1:30pm
Age Range :
Details :
St. Paul's Christian School is committed to the developmental needs of children, and encourages growth in all areas: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. We believe play is the work of children and the foundation of a good school and we recognize its value for all children. We strive to provide each child with a foundation which furthers learning and where a maturing faith can grow. Our school is a happy place where a child will learn to live, work and play with other children of his/her own age. Our classes stress learning through play and socialization through a wealth of "hands on" activities. Time for art, music, outdoor play, story time and group activities are part of each day's program. We consider our students to be "gifts from God" that are temporarily in our care. We hope to make a difference in their lives and impress upon them that who they are makes a difference.

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