Florida Christian Preschools >> Ormond Beach Religious Pre-Schools >> St James Episcopal School



Provider Name : St James Episcopal School
Provider Address : 38 South Halifax Drive, Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Contact Email :
Contact Phone : 386-677-1811
Contact Name : Michelle D Leek
Web Site : http://stjamesschool.info/
Open Hours :
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Details :
St. James Episcopal School is an independent Parish Day School serving the Ormond Beach and Daytona Beach communities. We serve boys and girls from Preschool through Eighth Grade, providing every student with the opportunity to achieve excellence in a caring, Christian environment. For over fifty years, the school has built its reputation as a center of sound learning, discovery and the pursuit of knowledge. As a Parish Day School in the Episcopal tradition, a strong emphasis is placed upon a well-balanced program including spiritual growth, high academic standards and community outreach. Enrichment classes include art, Christian Education, library, music, Spanish, and a fine arts program in the middle school. The dedicated, well-trained faculty is particularly strong in curriculum development, in providing intellectual challenge, and - always - in developing a strong rapport with their students.

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