Florida Christian Preschools >> Gainesville Religious Pre-Schools >> Sonshine Day Preschool



Provider Name : Sonshine Day Preschool
Provider Address : 10000 West Newberry Road, Gainesville, FL 32606
Contact Email : Info@sonshineday.org
Contact Phone : 352-333-0017
Contact Name : AnnMarie Incorvaia
Web Site : http://www.sonshineday.org/general-information
Open Hours : 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Age Range :
Details :
The purpose of Sonshine Day is to care about children and their families. The preschool has a responsibility to provide opportunities in which children can develop to their fullest potential. It is the goal and purpose of Sonshine Day to give children their first school experience and begin the total development of a well-rounded, well-adjusted Christian personality. The goal and purpose of Sonshine Day is also to help each child to relate to others and their community. The goal is to see each child reach their maximum potential spiritually, physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally.

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