Florida Christian Preschools >> Avon Park Religious Pre-Schools >> Parkview Pre-K, LLC



Provider Name : Parkview Pre-K, LLC
Provider Address : 107 A Miracle Avenue, Avon Park, FL 33825
Contact Email : mail@parkviewprek.com
Contact Phone : 863-453-8687
Contact Name : Brittany McGuire
Web Site : http://www.parkviewprek.com/
Open Hours : 7:00AM until 5:00PM
Age Range :
Details :
Parkview Pre-K embraces child care as an opportunity to empower and motivate students to become successful citizens in the community. Parkview Pre-K is responsible for providing the framework that will enable each and every student to reach his or her full potential whether it is cognitively, emotionally, socially, or physically. It is the program’s objective to provide the instruction necessary for its students to not only master the fundamental curriculum, but also to develop critical/creative thinking methods, effective problem-solving techniques, and skills needed for life-long learning. Parkview Pre-K plans to teach the students in a way that allows them to become directly engaged with the content and skills taught so that the subject matter will be directly relevant to their own lives.

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