Florida Christian Preschools >> Tallahassee Religious Pre-Schools >> Noah Ark Christian Academy



Provider Name : Noah Ark Christian Academy
Provider Address : 2011 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Contact Email : info@noaharkchristianacademy.com
Contact Phone : 850-656-3693
Contact Name : Kenneth Bryant
Web Site : http://noaharkchristianacademy.com/
Open Hours :
Age Range :
Details :
Noah Ark Christian Academy was founded on the belief in the inerrant, inspired Word of God, the Bible, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. Our purpose is to provide a quality Christian program that will foster the social emotional, physical, spiritual and academic growth of each individual child. Children will learn by doing. We will offer a wide variety of hands on learning experiences. Children will be encouraged to explore experiment and be creative. We will guide children in becoming independent and self assured, while also encourage of hands on learning experiences. Children will be encouraged to explore experiment and be creative. We will guide children in becoming independent and self assured, while also encourage to work as a group. Children will have the understanding that God is our creator and friend. Children will grow physically through meaningful and fun play based on the developmental need and ability of each child. We will provide an atmosphere where children are respected and encouraged as unique and valuable. Noah Ark Christian Academy recognizes the importance of a healthy home life our school seeks to be in partnership with parents so that we might supplement the home life and spiritual life of each child we serve.

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