Florida Christian Preschools >> Fort Pierce Religious Pre-Schools >> Lighthouse Christian Academy



Provider Name : Lighthouse Christian Academy
Provider Address : 3212 Oleander Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Contact Email : lighthouse3212@yahoo.com
Contact Phone : 772-466-7339
Contact Name : Maloma Peterkin
Web Site : http://oacog.org/LCA_Daycare.html
Open Hours : 6:30 am to 6:00 pm
Age Range :
Details :
Lighthouse is a non-profit organization, operated by Oleander Avenue Church of God, and is committed to providing a high quality, Christ-centered education for all children. We recognize that each child is an individual with his or her own special needs and we respect each child’s right to progress at his/her own pace. Lighthouse is a place where learning is fun for preschoolers. Our goal is to help your preschooler learn to think creatively for him or herself, to facilitate intellectual exploration, and to promote physical development in a warm and trusting atmosphere. Each child is encouraged to progress at his/her own pace in a nurturing environment specifically designed to foster cognitive, physical, social, and emotional growth. We encourage children to use language skills (such as speaking, listening, and following directions). He/She will also participate in learning activities through the use of all five senses. Each child will be challenged at their own level and will be able to exchange and apply their ideas.

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