Florida Christian Preschools >> Longwood Religious Pre-Schools >> Genesis Christian Preschool



Provider Name : Genesis Christian Preschool
Provider Address : 1255 E E Williamson Rd, Longwood, FL 32750
Contact Email : genesispreschool@hotmail.com
Contact Phone : 407-332-6522
Contact Name :
Web Site : http://longwoodhillschurch.org/Genesis_Preschool.html
Open Hours :
Age Range :
Details :
Genesis Christian Preschool Childcare Center provides a safe, nurturing, educational program where children can grow and develop in a positive environment. We value and respect families with children of all different ethnicities, faith and backgrounds from age one through five. Our philosophy is to encourage the development of each child in the areas of learning while focusing on physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual growth. We believe that children are challenged through active participation so we provide age-appropriate activities through which each child is guided by the teacher towards their optimal developmental level. Our objective is to allow the children to engage, explore, create and experiment in developmentally appropriate environments, which will allow them to become independent, self- confident problem solvers.

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